Connecting globally

Science Tokyo carries out various activities around the world.

Global exchange initiatives

International consortium activities

Consortium of five leading science and technology universities in Asia

Founded in 2009, the Asian Science and Technology Pioneering Institutes of Research and Education (ASPIRE) League is comprised of Institute of Science Tokyo, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and Tsinghua University in China. Established to form a hub for innovation in Asia, the consortium aims to contribute to the realization of a sustainable world through the advancement of science and technology and the development of human resources. The ASPIRE League pursues its objectives through research collaborations and student exchanges.

Consortium of 18 leading research-oriented universities in East Asia

The Association of East Asian Research Universities (AEARU) was founded in January 1996 at the suggestion of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Established as a forum for discussion among the presidents of leading research-oriented universities in East Asia with the goal of promoting exchange and cooperation activities between the major universities in the region, AEARU contributes not only to the development of higher education and research but also to cultural, economic and social progress in the East Asian region.

The Global Consortium of Innovation and Engineering in Medicine

The Global Consortium of Innovation and Engineering in Medicine is a global network of international universities, government institutes, and industry leaders in the fields of medicine and engineering. It seeks to advance medical education, foster global research collaborations, facilitate international exchanges, and host an annual global summit.
Science Tokyo is a founding member of the consortium.

UPWARDS for the Future

Science Tokyo is participating in the "U.S.-Japan University Partnership for Workforce Advancement and Research & Development in Semiconductors (UPWARDS) for the Future".

Partner universities

Science Tokyo has signed agreements with overseas institutions with the aims of promoting exchange, improving the quality of education and research, and making international contributions. These agreements involve a wide range of exchanges, from undergraduate and graduate students to researchers and faculty members.

Science and Engineering

List of inter-university and faculty agreements as of May 1, 2024.

Medical and Dental Sciences

List of inter-university and faculty agreements as of March 31, 2022.

Collaboration with international alumni

Science Tokyo carries out various activities by leveraging a network of international alumni.

Science Tokyo Alumni Ambassador

The objectives are to build a strong network of alumni of Science Tokyo, to proactively provide information to those who wish to study at our university, and to strengthen cooperation between the Institute and institutions outside of Japan.

Overseas Alumni Association

Science Tokyo also has alumni associations in other countries such as Thailand, the Philippines, and China. We are working to strengthen our network with overseas alumni in various fields and to promote academic cooperation.

Promoting the appeal of Science Tokyo to international students

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors represent Science Tokyo and communicate and engage with prospective students and their families, as well as visitors to campus, the readers of Admissions' SNS, and the current & alumni international students of the Institute by sharing experiences and thoughts on and off the campus through blogs/Instagram. We welcome students of any nationalities, who have an interest in communication via English.

Global education

As international partnerships grows across all fields, friendly competition and learning alongside people from all corners of the globe is essential for further innovation.The following is an introduction to the international education programes offered by Science Tokyo.

Visitors from abroad


Planning and Coordination Group, International Office

〒152-8550 S6-6, 2-12-1, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo