Vice Presidents
Vice President for Strategic Initiatives |
Vice President for Digital Transformation |
Vice President for Faculty Affairs |
Vice President for Legal Support and Compliance |
Vice President for TTI Outreach |
Vice President for Growth Strategy |
Vice President for Medical Services |
Vice President for Biomedical Engineering |
Vice President for Information Infrastructure |
Vice President for Medical Information Infrastructure |
Vice President for Campus Redevelopment |
Vice President for Real Estate Management |
Vice President for Educational Strategy |
Vice President for Convergence Science Education |
Vice President for Student Affairs |
Vice President for Institute Admissions |
Vice President for Integrated Research and Innovation |
Vice President for Industrial Cooperation Fundraising |
Vice President for Research Strategy and Planning |
Vice President for Research Strategy and Ethics |
Vice President for Research Infrastructure |
Vice President for Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration |
Vice President for Startup Support |
Vice President for International Strategy and Engagement |
Vice President for International Strategy and Internationalization |
Vice President for Environmental Health and Safety (Ookayama) |
Vice President for Environmental Health and Safety (Suzukakedai) |
Vice President for Environmental Health and Safety (Yushima) |
Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion |
Vice President for Fundraising |
Vice President for Public Relations |
Vice President for Advancement |
- As of November 1, 2024