Supporting the information lifeline

This center aims to contribute to the advancement of education and research by promoting R&D to advance the informatization of Science Tokyo, the establishment and operation of the information infrastructure necessary for the operations of Scicence Tokyo, and the comprehensive use of ICT. The center is actively engaged in R&D, establishment and operation of information infrastructure to promote informatization, information security measures, technical supports for projects based on Science Tokyo DX strategy, supports for the establishment and operation of information systems, operation and management of high-performance computing infrastructure, and general affairs for Joint Usage / Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-Scale Information Infrastructures (JHPCN).

This center, which was established when Science Tokyo was launched, consists of Information Technology Infrastructure Office, High Performance Computing Infrastructure Office, and Partnership Resource Allocation Support Office.


Center for Information Infrastructure (Medicine and Dentistry)

〒113-8510 1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Center for Information Infrastructure (Science and Engineering)

〒152-8550 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo